In the state schools of the state of Rio de Janeiro, there is a law that orders the change of principals in the schools, in a period if every four years. Today, these elections have reached the Intercultural Brazil-United States. In short, the operation of this elections, there are groups that will compete with each other. These groupos are formed by a general director and three deputy directors. The director’s office is to lead the school in a democratic way, that is whatever he/she thinks about doing, should have the opinion of the rights together. The rights attached are those designed to help the general director, also in a democratic way, if they have any ideas for projects, and other things.

On April 25th (2017), there was a presentation of the groups that would compete, being respectively group 1 and group 2. Each of the members of these groups presented their proposals, they talked about exchanges, projects, improvement in the institute of teaching, in one whole. But when students, teachers, and staff will vote, should there be any kind of critical sense? Well, the future of the college is in their hands, analyzing the proposals are essential for a good use of critical sense, because if we vote without purpose, what will be the change?
However, an interview was held with the general directors of both groups, to know their proposals, and ideal for our school. Check below:
Eduardo Vasconcellos, 43 years old, graduated with a degree in letters, respectively in Portuguese and English. He considers the students’ opinion of school – already mentioned – is extremely important for the future of the students. Eduardo’s contact with the English language is frequent, and he uses it as a way to influence students, helping them to search more willingly for the resources that motivate them to study English.
Sandra de Sá, 48 years old, graduated in mathematics (with English), postgraduate in school administration and in the new technologies in mathematics teaching. She thinks that if a principal, being too strict toward the student, this will make spending all that time in college sadly boring. Sandra says that she supports a lot of the projects that the school currently has, because this gives the students a broader knowledge of English and it’s culture.
Interviewer: In your opinion, do you think there must be too much rigidity ton run a school? Eduardo Vasconcellos: No, I can’t be too rigid, but flexible because student opinion is of the utmost importance. Of course we have to follow some rules, rules are important and necessary, but I must be more flexible, this in terms of student opinion, etc. Sandra de Sá: Being rigid at times is good for everyone. But if you do something like it’s a must, you know, that’s not good for you, because whatever you do, do it for yourself, free, no worries. Interviewer: Do you think the current projects we have at school are relevant in what aspects? Eduardo Vasconcellos: Well, I think they are very relevant, because the ideas make you have more contact with English, whatever the project, you have the opportunity to research, critique, and understand yourself in relation to English. Anyway, yes, I think they are very relevants. Sandra de Sá: Everything we think of in school is such things are projects. We encourage the projects here. There are great projects in this college about education, sports, dance. Well, all projects need encouragement, to study, etc. because this is nice for us, nice for you abilities, it’s nice for your growth. Interviewer: If a student came to you, with an idea for projects in this school, would you accept it knowing their proposals? Eduardo Vasconcellos: I could accept, well, knowing of your ideas, we could think about knowing. Being aware of your ideas, I could say “yes” or “no”. Sandra de Sá: Yes, I would. Of course, there should be a teacher responsible for this, in a place to direct such projects. Interviewer: Do you think exchanges are important to students? v Eduardo Vasconcellos: I think they are very important because the student has the chance to travel the world, to know another country. First, because you understand another way of life, a different routine because people have conception and disregard for what other people are. For example, we think that all Muslim people are terrorists, and this is not true. When we travel, we get a chance to see people’s behavior in a different way. Sandra de Sá: Yes, the exchanges are very important. I imagine something like a student going out to do the exchange, and going back to school. And by the way, I think of something very similar, that would be a student who has already studied here, and graduated, come back here and talk about what university life is like. Interviewer: Do you intend to redeem any project already done, which is currently not in force? Eduardo Vasconcellos: I intend to do that, but it depends on what it was like. There are good projects that can be redeemed. Sandra de Sá: Yes for sure. Well, I think the projects move our school, because we don’t have money and support, but we want sutdents to be happy here. Interviewer: Are you planning to redeem the 2014 project? Eduardo Vasconcellos: Yes! Some projects in 2014 were very good, I mean, we had some very exciting things, like the visit of universities, and a good contact with the staff of the United States. Sandra de Sá: Look at the problem. In all classes we talk about this. This 2014 project started with the teachers. This project started and then “fell” because we did not have the due support to continue it. Based on this interview, we can learn more about your ideas for school. So... we need always review everything they Will do, and how your vote will be. Regardlees of whether it is a school election, or an election of a senator. Both work hard with critical sense.
On Thursday, April 27, the vote for the choice of the group was made, and group 2 won the election. Composed by the then current deputy director, Eduardo Vasconcelhos, elected Director General; And by three other teachers of the institution.
Article written by Victor Cruz, Reviewed by Bruna Porto.
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