China x Taiwan: Entenda o conflito! Na última terça-feira, (09), cerca de 16 aeronaves chinesas, sobrevoaram a zona de defesa aérea de Taiwan. O governo chinês vem fazendo exercÃcios militares em resposta à visita de Nancy Pelo…
More information »Entenda como está sendo o avanço da varÃola dos macacos pelo mundo OMS declara a varÃola dos macacos como emergência de saúde global no sábado (23). O primeiro caso da varÃola dos macacos no mundo ocorreu em 1970, com um menino d…
More information »Founded in 2014, Intercultural News was created to change the way of bringing information about Brazil and the world. Started by a team of 16 members, all of them students of CIEP 117 Carlos Drummond de Andrade Brasil - Estados Unidos, our newspaper has been growing more every single year, always looking for further insight in our editorial line - culture and education – in order to provide our readers with information and knowledge.
Although our office is in our school, our visibility travels the world. And now we have a large audience in other countries, such as the United States and Russia. Our mission is to promote knowledge, academic opportunities and positive news in order to encourage other students to access education and use it as a tool to transform their lives.
We are always concerned about doing the best for our readers and our members. Besides bringing information about the world and promoting knowledge to our team, our aim is to make our members grow and together make the newspaper recognized in the world.
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