O live-action da boneca mais famosa do mundo chegou à s telonas no último dia 20 de julho nos cinemas do mundo inteiro. O longa-metragem dirigido por Greta Gerwing, apesar de ser protagonizado pela boneca Barbie, vai muito além …
More information »No dia 25 de julho é comemorado o Dia Internacional da Mulher Negra Latino-Americana e caribenha. O objetivo dessa comemoração é destacar as lutas e desafios diários das mulheres negras na América Latina, Caribe e no mundo. A d…
More information »July 4 th , 1776 was a very especial day in America, and the reason for this is that it was the first Independence Day in America, when the 13 colonies declared independence from Britain. But what did happen before this? …
More information »Você já parou para pensar quais tendências do seu dia a dia foram influenciadas, criadas e popularizadas pelos negros? É de conhecimento popular a riqueza cultural que a comunidade negra carrega, e uma de suas representações é n…
More information »Nessa quarta-feira, (12), estudantes da rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro se reuniram em uma passeata para demonstrar seu descontentamento com as últimas decisões da Seeduc ( Secretaria Estadual de Educação ) junto ao Governo d…
More information »Após uma paralisação que durou 42 dias corridos, a greve dos professores no estado do Rio de Janeiro chegou ao fim. A decisão foi tomada durante a assembleia do Sindicato Estadual dos Profissionais da Educação (Sepe), realizada …
More information »Who was Anne Frank? Annelies Marie Frank, better known as Anne Frank, was a Jewish girl victim of the Holocaust. She was born in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 12, 1929. Otto and Edith Frank, her parents, and her older sister, Mar…
More information »Founded in 2014, Intercultural News was created to change the way of bringing information about Brazil and the world. Started by a team of 16 members, all of them students of CIEP 117 Carlos Drummond de Andrade Brasil - Estados Unidos, our newspaper has been growing more every single year, always looking for further insight in our editorial line - culture and education – in order to provide our readers with information and knowledge.
Although our office is in our school, our visibility travels the world. And now we have a large audience in other countries, such as the United States and Russia. Our mission is to promote knowledge, academic opportunities and positive news in order to encourage other students to access education and use it as a tool to transform their lives.
We are always concerned about doing the best for our readers and our members. Besides bringing information about the world and promoting knowledge to our team, our aim is to make our members grow and together make the newspaper recognized in the world.
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