Social inequality is well structured in Brazil and is a fact that has prevailed in society since its creation. The fact is that one class is considered dominant and another is the one that is dominated, and it’s something that comes from the of advent of the term society.
     The effects of this structuring have so far disturb the country, such as the fact that there is a difference of many aspects between classes and people, where some are more privileged than others in various sectors that encompass Brazilian society. Like the fact that blacks were formerly slaves, and at the time it was thought that they were inferior, but even being something that ended in 1888 with the signing of the Áurea Law, it still has great influence in the present day as the fact of existing a strong racism directed at blacks.
       Inequality has several aspects and different consequences for each type of person, this fact is something that is still ignored by the government that does not seek solutions to end the present inequality in Brazilian society and has strong effects at the base of the nation. For what could be done is for the government to intervene and change this situation, allowing access to education for all and for everyone to have the same opportunity, in this case guaranteeing equity to the general population.
     In view of the above, the ideal would be for the government to act and put an end in what causes social inequality, which is the lack of access to education for all, the prejudice behind race and purchasing power, the pre-establishment of the what the individual will be, etc. That the institutions of power can create campaigns that reach the less benefited and that the society change its mentality in favor of the evolution of the country.

Article by Eduarda Pinho. 
Drafted by Maria Fernanda Cândido.