If you are interested in studying at a university in the United States, you need to know the famous "American Enem", the SAT.
What is the SAT?🇺🇸
The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a standardized educational exam in the United States administered to high school students, which serves as a prize for admission to North American universities, the exam was introduced in 1926, and comes from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) which is paid for at College Board to create the test, both groups are private companies.
Currently, the test is carried out digitally (using Mac or Windows tablets or notebooks) at test centers appointed by the administering institution.
How does the test work?
The content of the test is very different from Enem, containing Math, critical reading and writing, and the writing test is optional.
Each of these areas of knowledge has a minimum score of 200 and a maximum of 800 points.
In 2023, the SAT underwent changes, which previously had to wait for proctors to collect exam sheets: the SAT is now digital, along with some other modifications.
Three main modifications:
• Mathematics sections with more objective statements;
• Use of calculator for all section and math;
•The score released days after the exam (previously, candidates had to wait for weeks).
Assessing whether you did “good” or “bad” will depend a lot on the universities to which you intend to apply. For some universities like the Ivy Leagues, the average is 1550 on the SAT.
However, there are still many universities that accept lower grades, such as the University of Kentucky with an average of 1125 out of 1600, New York University (NYU) 1365 out of 1600, Universities of Michigan 1350-1530, Duke University 1510-1560.
How important is the test for applying to an American University? 📍
Even though some universities no longer require test scores, it is still crucial to send them for your selection, as it shows that you are academically prepared to study at university, in addition to being important for obtaining financial aid and scholarships.
Three important sites to study for the SAT: 👇🏽💻
College board:
Register for the test, make payments for everything,
Receive your grades,
Receive important information about the test, discover test DATES and LOCATIONS.
It's the app where you take the test and do simulations.
Khan Academy:
It's the official study website, the largest free education platform in the world.
Where and when you can do test? 🌐🏫
If you are interested in taking the test, pay attention to the locations and dates below:👇🏽
Locations of the test centers in Brazil: 🔎
- American School of Recife | PE
- Avenues São Paulo | SP
- Escola Castanheiras | SP
- Bright Bee | PI
- Casa Thomas Jefferson | DF
- Colégio Arana | GO
- COPE - Ensino Médio | GO
- Colégio Etapa Valinhos | SP
- Reserve Unit Jequitibá | SP
- Colegio Maxi | MT
- Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas | SP
- Colégio Santo Inácio | RJ
- Positivo International School | PR
- Maple Bear Tatuapé | SP
- Colégio Santa Úrsula | SP
- English Culture Savassi| MG
- American School of Belo Horizonte | MG
- American School of Brasilia | DF
- Escola Americana de Campinas | SP
- American School of Rio de Janeiro | RJ
- Escola Eleva | RJ
- Graded School | SP
- Joinville Campus Anita Garibaldi | SC
- Chapel School | SP
- Escola Carolina Patrício | RJ
- Escola Eleva Barra da Tijuca | RJ
- Escola São Domingos |ES
- Fundação Matias Machline | AM
- International School of Curitiba | PR
- Colégio Liceu Jardim | SP
- Maple Bear Mogi das Cruzes | SP
- Our Lady of Mercy School | RJ
- Pan American Christian Academy | SP
- Pan American School of Porto Alegre | RS
- Colégio Petrópolis | SP
- Pan American School of Bahia | BA
- Sant'Anna International School | SP
- Escola das Nações | DF
- St James International School | PR
- St. Francis College | SP
- UNIFOR - Universidade de Fortaleza | CE
- Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões | RS
Date: 🗓️
REPÓRTER: Chayane Maria
REDIGIDO POR: Ana Lívia Brum
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