In today's digital age, cell phones have become an essential device for the entire world population. The cell phone has helped improve information, communication and certainly globalization.

However, have you ever thought about the harm of this important mark of evolution? Although cell phones are very useful and a significant advancement that allowed the digital age to happen, this device can have a really dark side that can harm your mental health and your physical health!

Mental health 🧠

The harmful effects of excessive cell phone use are notorious, such as severe headaches, back pain, insomnia and also the increase in some mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, stress, etc.

Physical health 💪

There is a term ''text neck'' which refers to a disease caused by cell phones, this term was introduced by a chiropractor in the USA, it is usually the result of looking at any portable mobile device and the main symptoms are headaches , pain in the shoulders and arms, respiratory compromise and so on. As you can see, these are not pleasant things to feel, and this can be avoided by controlling the hours you spend on your cell phone during the day. It is important to be careful that using your cell phone does not make you dependent on it. Not even turn you into an addicted person.

Enjoy the real life 📴

Always remember to live real life, the virtual world is very extensive and we can create our own world within the internet, but at the end of it all, what really matters is reality, the real world can be really satisfying and enjoyable. If you allow it to be. Take care of your mental and physical health too.

Finally, the cell phone is very useful, but you need to be careful when using it, as it is very difficult not to become addicted to this virtual drug, to live your life, forget the screams and not let yourself be locked into an unreal world.

REPÓRTER: Thayane Dutra
REDIGIDO POR: Cleidyane S.Vieira