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North American scientists may have discovered an underground ocean on Mars.
  Indications of an underground ocean were found on the red planet, the Mars insigh probe was the responsible for this discovery, it says that the water may be in a depth of 11,5 to 20 kilometers, on the crust of Mars, the bad news is that for being in this depth can be hard for the astronauts to access this underground ocean.

   This news was launched on a scientific magazine “Proceedings of a National Academy of Sciences”.
  “We used rock physics models and Bayesian inversion to identify combinations of lithology, liquid water saturation, porosity, and pore shape consistent with the seismic velocities and gravity of the constrained midcrust (depths of 11.5 to 20 km) near the module InSight landing platform”
Declared  one of the scientists responsible of this discovery.

That’s also the first time that liquid water is found on Mars, and it was discovered using a similar technique as the geologists use to find underground aquifers and oil fields on the red planet.

A question that is being asked by the cientifical community is:

This underground ocean on Mars is a sign of life?
Well, maybe. If someday scientists develop an advanced technology enough to drill through the crust of mars and reach the underground ocean, this place could be really well explored, and possibly we could find life there.

The chief scientist of Inscripps institute of oceanography of the California university, Vashan Wright the water may have gone from the surface to subsurface million of years ago.


Repórter: Thayane Dutra
Redatora: Ana Lívia Brum